I remember sitting in the movie theater back in 2006 watching the movie
Pursuit of Happyness, and seeing a scene in the movie where
Will Smith's character
Chris Gardner was in a cab with his (hopefully) soon to be boss, who was trying to figure out how to solve a
Rubik's Cube with no luck... When Will stepped up to the challenge and started to twist and turn the thing around until (by the end of the cab ride) he got all sides to match! I remember thinking to myself "man, I really wanna learn how to do that". So I set out the next day to go and try and find one. To my surprise, they really arent difficult to find, seeing as how
Target and
Walmart, along with many other stores sold them... So back at home, just me and my Rubik's cube, determined to learn how to do it! Hours turned into days as I sat there twisting and turning it, with the instructions in my hand, until a few days in when I was visiting my fiancee (girlfriend at the time) and BAM! I got all sides to match!!! And as time went on, It took me less and less time to do it, and now I can solve it in under a minute without putting much thought into it. The point of this whole story is, I was going through a very rough time in my life where just about everything that could go wrong, did! I found the movie to be very relatable in a lot of ways, and never really stuck to learning how to do much of anything. The Rubik's Cube may have seemed like a silly thing to learn to a lot of people, but to me it was strangely inspiring because I actually set out to learn something, stuck with it, and mastered it! Sure, I've had a few things I've tried and failed since that glorious day when all sides matched. But what I still carry to this day is that if you never try something, you'll never know if you can do it or not!
So get out there and try it people! Learn something new, have some fun, and stick to it!
You'll be amazed what you can accomplish if you put your mind to something!!!
That's funny, that movie is the same exact movie that inspired me to learn the rubiks cube, remember that!? Miss you man!!